International exchange events: 2019-2020 academic year (Heisei 31/Reiwa 1)


Date Guests Contents
Daria Halak
Photographer /
PhD. student, Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)
Special Lecture and interviews with AUA students/faculty (6/10)
ダリア作品発表 ダリア作品発表2
Short-term student exchange, Malmstens Linköping University (Sweden) For the second straight year, the Creative Manufacturing Design department hosted a student from Malmstens Linköping University (MLU) for a 2-week exchange. Previously educated in woodworking at MLU, this student wanted to gain basic experience working with other materials, primarily glass and urushi, which she hoped to incorporate into her future designs.
令和元年短期留学1 令和元年短期留学2 令和元年短期留学3 令和元年短期留学4
Leo Johannsson
Head of Division, Malmstens Linköping University
Leif Burman
Senior Lecturer, Malmstens Linköping University
1) Special Lecture (11/4)
“Design and Craft: The Nordic Countries”
2) Woodworking (Intarsia) workshop (11/4~11/8)
2019リンショピン講演 象嵌細工ワークショップ 象嵌細工ワークショップ2 象嵌細工ワークショップ3
Lin Cheng-Fa
Director and Associate Professor, Department of Product Design, Tainan University of Technology (Taiwan)
1) Special Lecture (12/4)
“Modern Taiwanese Design”
2) Special Lecture in “Branding Design Seminar” class (12/5)
“Successful Marketing”
台湾における現代デザイン 林成發先生講演 林成發先生講演2
Dr. Anthony Shelton
Professor, University of British Columbia / Director, Museum of Anthropology at UBC (MOA)
Special Lecture (12/18) *Co-hosted with the Graduate School of Transdisciplinary Arts
“Aztec Art and Philosophy”
アステカの芸術と哲学 アステカの芸術と哲学2 アステカの芸術と哲学3 アステカの芸術と哲学4
Sharmila Samant
Contemporary Artist/
Associate Professor, Shiv Nadar University (India)
Sharmila Samant, one of the founders of the international workshop October School, presented on her artistic activities. She then joined 3 AUA students and faculty who participated in this year’s workshop (held in Mexico City) to discuss the program and their experiences. (1/16)
オクトーバー・スクール報告会 オクトーバー・スクール報告会2 オクトーバー・スクール報告会3 オクトーバー・スクール報告会4