- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Theory
- ・Applied Transdisciplinary Arts Theory B
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Seminar
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Practicum A
- ・Production Skills Workshop I, II, III
- ・Guided Research I, II (Master’s Course)
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Research: Expression I, II
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Research: Theory I, II
- ・Guided Research I, II, III (Doctoral Program)
After working for Microsoft Product Development Limited, etc., Professor Iigura completed a Ph.D in Information Science at the University of Shizuoka. He specializes in computer graphics and image processing, and also holds a Master of Engineering degree. After working as a lecturer and associate professor at Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology, he joined the faculty of Akita University of Art as a professor in 2017.
【Awards / Prizes】
2017 RSSJ Researcher Award (with Hitoshi Saji). The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
1997 Prizewinner, Creator’s Garage ‘97
1996 Prizewinner, DEP Passport Awards. Sony Music Entertainment
【Articles / Presentations】
2020 Introduce to art-informatics that analyzes the art field by information technology (with Kazuyuki Miyamoto, Dai Hijikata). ITE Technical Report 44(10), pp.89-92. Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
2019 Forth-kei gengo no kan’i saiteki-ka shuho no ichikosatsu: Kyokushohensu to VM-nai VM wo mochiite [An inquiry on simple optimization methods for Forth languages: Utilizing local variables and nested virtualization]. 2019 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan. Akita University
2018 Abolition of scanner APIs for Words and extension of immediate execution attribute and etc. in Forth languages. 121st IPSJ Special Interest Group on Programming. Information Processing Society of Japan, Tokyo
2016 Painterly rendering by using photorealistic renderer (with Shota Ichikawa). ITE Technical Report, Vol.40(11) pp.61-64. Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
2015 Oblique aerial image registration from a movie and GPS data (with Hitoshi Saji). Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Vol.35(3) pp.155-172. Remote Sensing Society of Japan
2014 Registration of aerial images using pseudo-orthogonal space (with Hitoshi Saji). Proceedings of the 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and ITS America Annual Meeting 2014, pp.3641-3651. Intelligent Transportation Society of America
2014 Aerial image registration based on camera position and image information (with Hitoshi Saji). The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan Vol.43(3), pp.383-391. Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
2012 Maikuropointo besuto shado [Micropoint-based shadow]. NICOGRAPH 2012 Autumn. Kyoto University
2006 Gazo shori iroiro [Various image processing methods]. CG Gong 2008 / 47th SIGGRAPH Tokyo Seminar. Computer Graphics Art Society, Tokyo
1998 Riarutaimu suisaiga rendara [Realtime watercolor renderer]. 14th NICOGRAPH/MULTIMEDIA Essay Contest Essay Collection
1997 Patikuru mapping [Particle mapping]. 13th NICOGRAPH/MULTIMEDIA Essay Contest Essay Collection
2009 3D graphics, piece (promotional video for Yui Aragaki). Studio Ghibli
2002 Technical support, Sneakers (video game). Microsoft Game Studio
Particle mapping (The 13th NICOGRAPH / MULTIMEDIA Thesis Contest collection; 1997)
MicroPoint-based shadow (NICOGRAPH; Autumn 2012)
Clean plate(movie) generation by Inverse Image Mosaic