- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Theory
- ・Applied Transdisciplinary Arts Theory B
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Seminar
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Practicum A
- ・Production Skills Workshop I, II, III
- ・Guided Research I, II
- ・Transdisciplinary Arts Research: Expression I, II
- ・Guided Research I, II, III
Born in 1975. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities, Wako University. Graduated from Kyushu University Graduate School of Comparative Studies in Society and Culture with a doctoral degree. Formerly a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts. Specializes in art criticism and cultural studies. He regularly publishes art criticism on contemporary art exhibitions in "Kyodo-Tushin," while at the same time theoretically and practically exploring the state of contemporary art through exhibition planning, especially taking Shunsuke Tsurumi's "限界芸術論(Theory of Marginal Art)" as a point of reference. He is also involved in social education projects in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Sapporo, and other cities.
Associate Professor
【Research Fields】
Art Critic / Cultural Research
Doctoral Course, (Social and Cultural Studies – completed without degree), Graduate School, Kyushu University
Master’s, (Social and Cultural Studies), Graduate School, Kyushu University
Graduated, Faculty of Humanity, Wako University
【Selected Professional Experience】
Associate Professor, Akita University of Art
Technical Instructor, Tokyo University of the Arts
Part-time lecturer, Wako University
Part-time lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
Part-time lecturer, Yokohama City University
Part-time lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
Part-time lecturer, Tama Art University
Part-time lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
【Recent Activities】
(Recent Activities)
Jinrui no fuhentekina sozoryoku he ‘Minzokugakuteki kaiten’ iko no bijyutsuka /Aono Fumiaki [Toward the universal imagination: An artist in post-folkloric turning/Fumiaki Aono], AONO FUMIAKI “NAOSU”, sendai mediatheq
Setsujituna jikan no kanata he [Beyond the serious time], ATSUSHI WATANABE I’M HERE, BankART1929
Aida Makoto ‘Geizai’ to nihonbijyutsukyoiku no mujyun [Makoto
AIDA: ‘Geisai’ and a contradiction of the art education of Japan.],
(Interview), Bungakuka January, Bungei SHhunju
Nihon gendai art no shiso/Mochizuki katsura to kokuyokai [Pioneer of Japanese modern art /Katsura Mochizuki and kokuyokai] , Oyake no jidai: kanmin ni yoru kyodai project ga aitsugi enjo ya porikore ga hirogaru shinjidai, shakai ni art ga kakudaisuru ni ture maibotsu shite yuku ‘ Artist’ to sonosaki ni kieyuku ‘ko’ no ibasho o futari no bijyutsuka ga radical ni katari au [Public generation: New generation that big public/private projects are facing flamed and that political corrections are spreading out sequentially in. Two artists expanded a radical discussion about place of “individuals” that is ceasing to appear with spreading of arts into the society] (Talk), Ryuta Ujyo and Osamu Matsuda, Asahi Press
Riso o ikiru geijyutst [Arts and living the ideal], SUZU 2017
OKU-NOTO TRENNALE, Gendaikikakushitsu
Haneiron no Kanata he [Beyond Widerspiegelungs theorie],
Tsurumi Shunsuke zenmangaron1, Chikumagakugeibunko,
Imageron toshiteno ‘dokusha/sakusha kyodotai’ [ Reader &
writer association as the image theory], Tsurumi Shunsuke
zenmangaron2, Chikumagakugeibunko, Chikumashobo
Critical and curatorical: Kushino Nobumasa no nijyusei no
nijyusei no project [Critical and curatorial: Project of duality
by Nobumasa Kushino], Outside Japan, Eastpress
Genkaigeijyutsugainen no saikochiku [Updating of Marginal Art theory], Updating the Concept of “Bjyutsu” (Art), Brückes
Yoru no yama o aruku ko [Children walking around forest in the
night], Dobutsu no kotoba: kongenteki boryoku o koete
[Languages of animals: Beyond the primordial violence] (talk),
Tomoko Konoike, tobashoten
Silver Art: Rojin geijyutsu [Silver art: Senior Art], Asahi Press
Enku o tabisuru [A journey to look for “Enku”], co-authored by
Nikutaikaiga to nikutaihyogen: Performance zenshi no tameno
sobyo [Painting/Expression of body: Sketches for pre-history of the performance], Nihon bijyutsu zenshu Vol.19: kakuchosuru sengobijyutsu [Expanding arts of post- World WarⅡ], Shogakukan
Hamada Kiyoshi no kaiga illusion [The painting illusion of Kiyoshi Hamada], Hamada Kiyoshi (Exhibition catalog), NERIMA ART MUSEUM
Vernacular to genkaigeijyutsu: 2000nen iko no nihongendaibijyutsu no jyokyo [Vernacular and Marginal
art: Japanese Contemporary Arts after 2000], In Our Time (Exhibition catalog), 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Konnichi no genkaigeijyutu hyakusen [100 Marginal art
Art field: Echigo tsumari art triennial 2015, Matsudai,
“Nobutai” Gallery [The stage of agriculture]
Kansatsusha no rekishi to sengobijyutsu no rekishi:
Gendaibijyuts no minzokugakuteki tenkai he mukete [Histories
of observers and Arts in post WWⅡ: Toward the ethnological
turning of the modern art], Rojyo to kansatu o meguru
hyogenshi: kogengaku no ‘genzai’ [ The history of expression
over roads and observations: “The Present” in modernology],
Film Art
Animation and avant-garde: Kobayashi Shichiro ga taigensuru
avant-garde [ Kobayashi’s embodiment of avant-garde spirits],
REPRE, Hyoshobunkaron gakkai