





オウプカム・アノタイ Anothai Ong Oupkum













Winter Program   Presentation 

Ms. Anothai Ong Oupkum


The Thai curator, Ms. Anothai Ong Oupkum, has been working over her plan to display snow cubes for several days, but the unexpected warmness caused a trouble which snow does not freeze and had no choice but to change the plan immediately before the presentation. 


In the presentation, she performed the participatory form of art such that a large block of snow was brought in from the outside of the gallery, got people in the hall hold it in turns, and when they could not stand the coldness, they gave it to the next person.  The purpose of her trip was to look at the town with her own eyes and get the feel of it with her skin.  However, in Gojome, she felt the beauty of winter and at the same time physically much colder and more severe environment than expected.


In the work, she cut out the snow layer around the place of accommodation and expressed ” the winter of Gojome” with regional materials.  She made it possible for everyone to physically feel the coldness of the snow.  “I thought that snow was something expressing the state of community to me so that I wanted to create an interrelationship in the work such that a neighbor would help me out when I had a hard time. said Ms. Oupkum. 

The coldness disappears when you let your hands off the snow.  Snow falling on Gojome becomes a part of the winter scenery.  Moreover, the participants gathered in this project also became part of the town scenery during their stay, and they, just as a snow-like existence, would disappear after the end of the trip; she expressed ” Something which exists here now but will disappear someday.  “We feel that winter has come when it snows and feel unseen spring when snow disappears. I felt this process has a meaning for “change” itself in terms of always implying the future.” she presented.