





相馬 千秋



秋田公立美術大学大学院 複合芸術研究科 特任准教授









Chiaki Soma

Art Producer


In every summer, we have been continuing the workshops while traveling somewhere in Tohoku.  It has been like a “Tour” to look around a specific site, a “School” to have learning in a group, and also a kind of “Pilgrimage” where we can realize enlightenment.  While traveling in a group, with the help of travel colleagues, we access things which usually cannot be seen or heard. In this time, the participants with their own sensors and physical sensors have experienced following various phenomenon: the land and memory of Akita, the people and animals that have lived there, the stories and history derived in there, or various things which have not been even told.  They have been gently reset in a different place again mediating through him/herself to re-live a new era. In that moment, what I have been able to see several times as a planner was such that the soul just made like shivering.  Just like that Kanaashi agricultural high school miraculously got winning one round and another, there certainly was a sense that a small miracle was accumulating a little by little.  Then, on the final day, I felt like I were a bit transparent existing due to the fact that the words and gestures turned out from the participants drew a beautiful circle, and the past and the future, the present world and another world was connected in the twisted space-time.  


I have written a bit of ambiguous things here, but a good travel might be something like that; in other words, the more we try to verbalize it, the more it deviates from the true nature of the experience. Needless to say, it is impossible for someone who has never experienced said travel to get additional experience. From now on to the future, I hope from the bottom of my heart that each participant will invent an inevitable form for him/herself, and within there, realizes a unique circuit that shares the experience with others, as some work / project one day.