Social Contributions by Akita University of Art
Akita University of Art contributes to the society mainly through our contribution activities, which consists of external activities or international exchanges by each faculty member.About the Social Contribution Center
The Social Contribution Center supports social contribution projects in an integrated fashion. It aims to return research results from the university to the local community, in order to enable the university to make effective contributions to the local community and society and to fulfill the university's philosophy of “nurturing human resources that can contribute to local revitalization by making significant contributions to the development of local brands or artistic activities”.To be specific, the center establishes industry/academia/government collaborations, intellectual property management, regional cooperation, high school-university collaborations, and other projects that bring art closer to the people, and provides support for each project.
Although the organization of the center is independent of the art departments, it goes without saying that the Social Contribution Center and the art departments perform at their best through mutual cooperation. The Social Contribution Center helps to create a positive image of Akita University of Art through such social contribution activities.
Examples of Works by the Teaching Staff
Jun Igarashi 川連漆器「Cantabile」のデザイン研究
Jun Igarashi グラフィックダッシュボードのデザイン研究「GDD」
Jun Igarashi 積雪地域における「ソーラー街灯」のデザイン研究