Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts
Course of Arts & Roots
Engaged in the examination, research, and reevaluation of local historical and cultural resources (roots) to explore new avenues of artistic expression
By incorporating three approaches “basic theory,” “fieldwork,” and “production of artworks,” students learn a variety of themes and techniques rooted in local culture and history, and are taught to make the best use of their examination and research results to produce their finished works.
Overview of the Course
The Course of Arts & Roots works to discover new modes of artistic expression by tapping the “roots” of such aspects as local cultural resources, history, and the traditions handed down over the generations. The Course aims at the creation of “arts” that are linked to “the root = the origin (Roots)” of culture including language and place-names, festivals and rituals, and formed objects.
In the actual research and production of artworks, to pursue their goal students, through “fieldwork,” examine culture and context rooted in the local area. Moreover, they compare their findings with the cultural resources of other regions, and narrow down the number of themes while incorporating anthropological considerations. Then, they learn the skills and techniques to express their vision through a variety of media such as painting, drawing, and sculpture.
Moreover, students meet the challenge of today’s pressing issues, such as the best relation between human activities and natural environment including woodland and ocean close to populated areas; the development of a new promotional style of local art festivals; or the establishment of a gallery network. It is through such hands-on activities that students develop a flexible and practical sense to connect the past and the present, and the local community and the wider world.
Teaching Staff of the Course Arts & Roots
Examples of Works by the Teaching Staff
Yoshihiro Minagawa「源流- オーロラの民- 」
Yoshihiro Minagawa「源流- 精霊の沢- 」
Yoshihiro Minagawa「源流- 八木沢の風- 」
Taro Yamamoto「四季紅白幔幕図屏風」2009年 紙本金地着色 二曲一双 各169×167cm 熊本市現代美術館蔵
Taro Yamamoto「青敷秋草図屏風」2008年 紙本金地着色 二曲一双 各169×167cm ミネアポリス・インスティテュート・オブ・アート蔵
Taro Yamamoto「羽衣バルーン」2012年 紙本着色金彩 二曲一隻160×134cm 個人蔵
Toshiaki Ishikura「フィールドワーク光景」
( 津軽半島/ 虫送り) -
Toshiaki Ishikura「フィールドワーク光景」
( 北上山地/ 鹿踊り) -
Toshiaki Ishikura「編著、共著等の書籍」