Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts
Course of Communication Design
Learning how to create visual communication making good use of diverse media, and enabling effective design and art direction
Students will become broadly proficient in a variety of expressions through practicing graphic design to support a comprehensive direction that establishes excellent expression of communication and total design.
Overview of the Course
The Course of Communication Design addresses the theory and expression of such work to tackle contemporary issues inherent in communication; students conduct research and learn from the viewpoint of graphic design.
Students explore an idealized picture of modern society from a broad range of viewpoints while taking into account a series of processes, from discovery of issues through to the final stage ? planning, examination, project, proposal, production, and feedback. Moreover, by rearranging various information paradigms created by individuals, they contribute to the formation of a new “individual” image in modern society.
Through the production of specific assignments suitable for a selected expression medium, such as typography, packaging, posters, editorial, the Web, illustration and 3DCG, students learn and simultaneously master the thought processes and capabilities to develop their skills to take on advanced projects such as public relations and planning requiring the drawing up of a plan and designing of the flow of information; thus our students develop themselves towards fulfilling the role of designer, art director or creative director.
Teaching Staff of the Course of Communication Design
Examples of Works by the Teaching Staff
Sukeyasu Kannou「地方自治法施行60周年記念貨幣秋田県分」
Sukeyasu Kannou「オリジナル川反スイーツわころん」
Kim Hyokyung「イリュージョン」
Kim Hyokyung「グラデーション」
Kim Hyokyung「卍字」
Norinobu Sakamoto「2 種のイメージポスター_A」
Norinobu Sakamoto「四年に一度のJAPONiSM」
Kong Jinyell「DANSK 焼き鍋のパッケージデザイン」
Kong Jinyell「稲庭うどんのパッケージデザイン」
Kong Jinyell「家庭用高圧清浄機のパッケージデザイン」
Bae Jinseok感性ハガキ
Bae JinseokH5【1】
Bae Jinseokmangaface
Kei Mizuta「SonyRecycleProjectJeans」
Kei Mizuta「SonyRecycleProjectJeans」
Kei Mizuta「(株)金融工学研究所広報企画制作」